“As a former athlete who put on 4 stone and lost any kind of fitness during my first year at university, my life was feeling a peculiar kind of emptiness without any exercise. However, when so far gone, the prospect of getting back into fitness was daunting to say the least.
When trying out a new gym in Bristol, I ran into Guy (who must have seen me looking lost and unmotivated), and got chatting about fitness goals etc. Guy gave me a very quick induction into strength and conditioning based training and the combination of his enthusiasm and knowledge and the technical challenge presented began to immediately re-ignite a passion for fitness that at this point I was sure I had lost for good.
I began training with Guy once a week after that, with a tailor made programme to complete during the rest of the week. I had a long talk with Guy on my first session about fitness goals, interests, and all other things in my life such as work, relationships and diet.
This first thing to say is that the training programme was second to none in terms of achieving the goals we had discussed, every day I trained I could feel immediate progress and every session I could feel more and more passion for training and fitness coming back. I was very soon squatting and dead-lifting more than I ever had, running 2km in 10 minutes and even managed a life goal of repping multiple chin ups!
However, I think the thing that sets Guy apart for me was the relaxed and enthusiastic approach to training. As somebody who has previously been used to hard training, I didn't need somebody to be shouting at me during every rep or screaming encouragement at me. Instead, Guy took on a role of coach, and with a very detailed eye, showed me all the technical elements of each lift and what could be improved on each set. During breaks between sets we talked about training philosophies, mobility and wider cultural aspects of training which really impacted me, and which I still apply to my training to this day.
I would recommend Guy to anyone wishing to improve their strength and conditioning, whether you are a complete novice or someone looking to improve their technique. If he can get me lifting, then he can get anyone lifting!”